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July 31st 2010

Music:Simple Plan-In a perfect world
Well I thought I'd start out with my first entry, but it's a bit hard at the moment to concentrate on writing when Grace is jumping all over the place, not to mention on me :| hmm, I'm also pretty tired from work and pissed off today anyhow, I was super excited to go to this whole Summer Rush concert thing with Sara, and she goes ahead and sells my ticket...I told her I had the money for it, and when I didn't answer her texts back asap, she got sassed and sent me 10 messages, one right after another, and calling my cell phone,..helloo I was working...I answered her back right after work for fuckkk sakes, Apparently she heard through the grapevine that I didn't wanna go with her, i later found out that it was her friend Josh who told her this, which was not true at all, I had mentioned to him that I didn't wanna go and see some of the bands..her grapevine needs to be cleaned...haaaaa....all in all, she got pissed and sold my ticket and I think it was a pretty low thing to do, ok enough, time to make some pretty Graphics for this site thingy since i'm a nerd :)